19 April 2012

Suppose we try Pentecost...?

Suppose we try Pentecost…. (nicked from Samuel Chadwick).

The church has never talked so much about itself and its problems. The lust for talk about work increases, as the power for the work declines. conferences multiply when work fails. The church is failing to meet modern needs, grip the modern mind and save the modern life. The church has lost the note of authority, the secret of wisdom, and the gift of power.

Suppose we try Pentecost?

The church is the creation of the Holy Ghost, but for much of the churches activity he is unnecessary. You don’t need the Holy Ghost to run bazaars, fetes picnics and social clubs. The church that is man managed rather than God governed is doomed to failure. A ministry which is college trained but not spirit filled works no miracles. The church that multiplies committees and neglects prayer may be noisy fussy enterprising but it labours in vain. It is possible to excel in mechanics but fail in dynamic.

Suppose we try Pentecost.

Too much gas, not enough oil….

The resources of the church are in the supply of the spirit. He can reveal what Christ could not speak. He is the spirit of truth, the Spirit of witness, the spirit of conviction, the spirit of power, the spirit of holiness the spirit of adoption, the spirit of life, the spirit of help, the spirit of liberty the spirit of wisdom, the spirit of revelation, the spirit of promise, the spirit of love, the spirit of meekness, the spirit of sound mind, the spirit of grace, the spirit of glory, the spirit of prophecy.

A man managed, world annexing church cannot fulfil the mission of Christ……

Suppose we try Pentecost….